Filed under integral

William James on “Radical Empiricism”

This is an excerpt from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: James’s fundamental idea is that mind and matter are both aspects of, or structures formed from, a more fundamental stuff — pure experience — that (despite being called “experience”) is neither mental nor physical. Pure experience, James explains, is “the immediate flux of life which … Continue reading

What happens after postmodernism?

Looking ahead to some end point , whether it be actual, ideological, or abstract could be the spoil of man. There has never been an end, or final point, nor has there ever been an ultimate answer. The postmodernist knows this well, yet he too seems preoccupied by this matter, often too busy criticizing the … Continue reading

The Net, The Self and a New Society

These three terms: net, self and new society, describe the dynamic collaboration at work in modern times. What we are seeing now is a new form of relationship. On one hand, we have multi-national corporations that devour smaller business, people and even governments in their wake. On the other, we appear to have a growing … Continue reading

Mind, Body–More like Mind-Body!

In one of those reflecting moods at the moment, thinking about what I’ve been learning in my philosophy class, “Philosophy of Mind.” The western philosophers propose that we have a problem, the problem of “other minds.” A great rift seems to occur between thinking we are all mind, or all body. There are varying degrees … Continue reading

Could Consciousness…

– be a self reflection of the whole, ultimately? As we evolve, our culture and technology more and more are able to reproduce (Not just mimic) fundamental structures of the universe. The more we understand inter-dependence and harmony, the more we recreate it in our actions. Like a mirror reflection on a stream, ever flowing. … Continue reading

Letter to a Post-Modernist

The dissolution of the meta-narrative allows us to see the underlying vast network of “micro-narratives,” as if unearthing a simplistic skin to observe a networking root of vines, earth, and complex structures. Like lifting a rock to see the vast life beneath, we see what we have been missing from our understanding. The importance of … Continue reading

Swimmies in the Deep End

I’d like to point out that this was greatly inspired by a friend of mine, for now we will call Owl. I was reading her blog and felt a spark of blogging inspiration. Thanks Owl! A few blogs back I was inspired to critique and explore my major, sociology. I wrote a few questions that … Continue reading

It’s Official!

This is it folks! Fordham University has officially accepted KOSMOS as a club! We are now funded by the school to pay for our publishing. Awesome! Now calls for the heavy task of advertising. Fliers, fliers fliers, I say. We already have a few up in the main building. More to come. Any ideas for … Continue reading